Area Riservata
Profilo Utente
Nota Informativa
Consente il trattamento dei Suoi dati personali identificativi e/o sensibili, da parte della società MCM SRL, nelle modalità e per le finalità indicate nell'informativa?

Privacy Policy

Personal Data Protection Code
The present document describes terms and conditions to handle users' personal data. Users' data are needed to register to the events organized and managed by MCM SRL.
The Code is written in compliance with the Legislative Decree 196/03 - art. 13 - Personal Data Protection Code.
The Holder of the personal data used for executing the on-line registration is MCM SRL, Rione Sirignano 5, 80121 Napoli.
All data are collected and recorded in MCM SRL headquarter and processed by staff in charge of the processing either by external staff occasionally involved in data maintenance and recovery.

The parties' rights
A data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not his personal data exist and know their content and source.
A data subject shall have the right to obtain updating, straightening or, where interested therein, integration of the data, erasure, conversion in anonymous form or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully. The subject shall also have the right to object in whole or in part, to any data processing on legitimate grounds.
Possible applications shall be addressed to MCM SRL, as data treatment Holder.
MCM srl - Rione Sirignano 5, 80121 Napoli (IT) -

Data treatement
When a user registers online he/she is asked to fill in some personal data (name, surname, email etc.) as well as, the personal data of possible accompanying person.
The personal data are used by the MCM SRL to supply the services.
The personal data are not set about or communicated to third subjects, except if the communication is obligated by law or it is necessary for the fulfillment of the applications.
Specifically by registering for this event you will also sign up automatically to an online event platform, B2Match. You can use the platform to event related activities, such as building your agenda, networking with other attendees, etc. We use the platform to communicate and promote the Data Week and related activities. Through the platform, we also collect analytics of the visitors of the event. By giving your consent, you authorize us to transfer your data to B2Match platform managed by AI and Robotics Aisbl.

The users shall decide to provide or not their personal data, however sometimes no service could be provided lacking users' data.
Besides, MCM SRL may ask you to give the number of your credit card or other information concerning payment conditions. The aforesaid personal data, in case of hotel booking, could be notified to third entities (eg. hotels) as reservation guarantee.

Accetto Non accetto
Registration to B2Match Platform
With this registration, we will also sign you up automatically to an online event platform, B2Match. You can use the platform to event related activities, such as building your agenda, networking with other attendees, etc. We use the platform to communicate and promote the Data Week and related activities. Through the platform, we also collect analytics of the visitors of the event. By giving your consent, you authorize us to transfer your data to B2Match platform.
Accetto Non accetto
Nome *
Cognome *
Data di nascita *
Luogo di Nascita *
Nazione di Nascita *
Codice Fiscale
Indirizzo *
Comune di Residenza *
Cap *
Nazione di Residenza *
Posizione *
Nazione Lavoro *
Cellulare *
Email *
Altri dati personali
01. Vegetariano
02. Vegano
03. Celiaco
04. Lattosio
05.Altro (inviare una mail a

* Obbligatorio
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